We are one: Harmony in diversity

Typ aktivity:   mobilita pracovníků s mládeží

Příjemce:   SVČ Ivančice

Registrační číslo:   2022-1-CZ01-KA153-YOU-000070232

Datum zahájení:   01.09.2022

Datum ukončení:   31.08.2023

Výše dotace:   51.625 Euro


Partneři projektu/ Partner countries: CERD - Slovensko/Slovakia, Andreas Papathomas Limited - Kypr/Cyprus, AGIFODENT - Španělsko/Spain, Youth Bridges - Německo/Germany, Šiauliu Didždvario gimnazija - Litva/Lithuania, Tudatos Tervezésért Eggyesulet - Maďarsko/Hungary, Zespol Szkol Agroprzedsiebiorczosci - Polsko/Poland, Fondation Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light - Francie/France






BRNĚNSKÝ deník.cz


Mír a harmonie v rukách pracovníků s mládeží

Ve dnech 20.4.2023 až 28.4.2023 se konala druhá část mezinárodního školící kurzu mírového vzdělávání s názvem “We Are One: Harmony in Diversity“, který byl podpořen evropským programem Erasmus+ a konal se opět ve městě Ivančice v České republice. Účastníci přijeli z Polska, Francie, Maďarska, Slovenska, Německa, Litvy, Kypru, Španělska a České republiky. V druhé části kurzu jsme se zaměřili na klíčové otázky v oblasti mírové tématiky aneb „co narušilo mír a harmonii v lidské společnosti“ a také „jak mír a harmonii znovu vytvořit“. Pomocí krátkých teoretických přednášek a rozmanitých praktických aktivit jsme více dokázali porozumět této tématice. Na základě přijatých vědomostí a znalostí jsme vytvářeli učební plány pro budoucí práci s mládeží. 

Součástí kurzu byl rovněž interkulturní večer, ve kterém jsme si více představili nejen mezinárodní kuchyni, ale i kulturu, zvyky a tradice jednotlivých zemí a mohli tak více poznat specifika každé země. Účastnili jsme se také tanečního workshopu na téma „Peace dance“ a tvarovali vlastní nádoby v keramické dílně. V rámci výletu za poznáním města Brna jsme navštívili brněnské podzemí s vedenou prohlídkou, také exotickou Papiloniu s velkým množstvím rozmanitých motýlů. Velkým zážitkem pro nás byla také návštěva Slovanské epopeje s komentovanou prohlídkou v Moravském Krumlově. 

V průběhu kurzu jsme měli možnost představit jednotlivé země zastoupené v kurzu pomocí prezentací, obrázků a videí. Také jsme prezentovali vlastní projekty a metodiku tvorby aktivit pro mládež, kterou jsme vytvořili již v průběhu kurzu v několikačlenných skupinkách. Na vytvořené projekty jsme v průběhu kurzu dostávali zpětnou vazbu a také jsme zpětnou vazbu probírali po zakončení každého dne. To nám pomohlo vidět posun v porozumění jednotlivých témat v rámci přijatých lekcí a aktivit. Program byl rozmanitý a dobře strukturovaný. Účastníci byli hostováni Střediskem volného času Ivančice. Školící kurz byl financován Evropskou unií.

Zuzana Hyhlíková, lektorka


Peace and harmony in the hands of youth workers
From 20/04/2023 to 28/04/2023, the second part of the international peace education training course entitled "We Are One: Harmony in Diversity" was held, which was supported by the European Erasmus+ program and took place again in the city of Ivančice in the Czech Republic. The participants came from Poland, France, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Lithuania, Cyprus, Spain and the Czech Republic. In the second part of the course, we focused on key questions in the area of peace, i.e. "what disturbed peace and harmony in society" and also "how to recreate peace and harmony". With the help of short theoretical lectures and various practical activities, we were able to better understand this topic. Based on the acquired knowledge and skills, we created curriculum plans for future work with youth.

The course also included an intercultural evening, in which we got to know more about not only international cuisine, but also the culture, customs and traditions of individual countries, and were thus able to learn more about the specifics of each country. We also participated in a dance workshop on the theme of "Peace dance" and shaped our own vessels in the ceramic workshop. As part of a trip to get to know the city of Brno, we visited the Brno underground with a guided tour, as well as the exotic Papilonia with a large number of diverse butterflies. A visit to the Slavic Epic with a guided tour in Moravský Krumlov was also a great experience for us.

During the course, we had the opportunity to present the individual countries represented in the course using presentations, pictures and videos. We also presented our own projects and the methodology of creating activities for young people, which we already created during the course in groups of several members. We received feedback on the created projects during the course and also discussed the feedback at the end of each day. This helped us to see a shift in understanding of individual topics within the lessons and activities received. The program was varied and well structured. The participants were hosted by the Ivančice Leisure Center. The training course was  financed by the European Union.

Zuzana Hyhlíková, trainer


Embracing Peace and Diversity: A journey in Ivancice, Czech Republic

In a world brimming with unique cultures and beliefs, unity in diversity is essential for establishing harmony. As a participant in the Erasmus+ project, I had the opportunity to experience an amazing adventure in Ivancice, Czech Republic. The project, titled "We are One: Harmony in Diversity," gathered young individuals from various countries to explore the importance of peace and the beauty of diversity.

From April 22-28, 2023, we embarked on a journey of learning and self-discovery at the Horizont Leisure Center in Ivancice. Our multinational group consisted of 12 nationalities, all eager to promote peace and understanding. We engaged in various activities, including creative presentations on peace, hand-crafting, and dancing, allowing us to appreciate the different perspectives and talents of our peers.

Our days began with seminars where we discussed fundamental concepts such as "What is peace?", "How can we see it in nature?", and "How to achieve harmony in diversity?". These seemingly simple topics turned out to be quite profound, as we discovered that understanding and embracing diversity is the key to harmony. As the week progressed, we applied our newfound knowledge to practice through art, music, and dance, all of which showcased our unique personalities and cultures.

One of the highlights of the project was the intercultural evening, a colorful and unforgettable event where participants shared their countries' traditions, food, dances, and stories. We also explored the Czech Republic's rich culture during our visit to Brno, where we toured the historic city center and enjoyed traditional Czech cuisine.

Throughout the project, we forged strong bonds with each other, creating an atmosphere of trust, acceptance, and love. The Erasmus+ experience taught us the importance of valuing our emotions and connecting with our peers in a safe environment. As we bid farewell to Ivancice, we left with a renewed commitment to promote peace and diversity in our respective communities.

This extraordinary experience in Ivancice has left an indelible mark on my heart. I am grateful to the Horizont Leisure Center for hosting us, the facilitators for their guidance, my fellow participants for their kindness, and the EU for funding this remarkable project. As we continue to strive for a sustainable and peaceful world, our journey in Ivancice serves as a constant reminder of the power of unity in diversity. Děkuji!



Thank you for accepting me for this project. It was an amazing week, and I appreciate the opportunity to participate. The organizers were incredibly kind to us throughout the project, and I want to express my gratitude for their warm approach.💕I'm confident that we will apply the lessons we learned from this project, such as peace, love, unity, and diversity, to our interactions with others going forward. Once again, thank you for this unforgettable experience




... we learned a lot about each other ...

... respect, love, peace, units, diversity, cooperation ...

... I want to come back ...

... everyone of us is unique, we have to appreciate each other ...

... we are different and our power is in diversity ...

... good examples of non-formed educational methods ...

... the diverse activities with so deep and important topics ...

... I learned a lot about the different cultures and teaching methods ...

... cooperation, self esteem, harmony in diversity because we lack of these things ...

... just peace in Ukraine, please ...

... with small stpes we can reach big things ...

... cultural integration because in India people are divided ...



První část mezinárodního školícího kurzu We are one: Harmony in diversity se konala na začátku prosince 2022 v Ivančicích. Pracovníci s mládeží, učitelé i studenti vysláni zahraničními partnerskými organizacemi se na Horizontu věnovali mírovému vzdělávání a pochopení rozmanitosti mezi lidmi a její význam pro udržení harmonie a bezpečí ve společnosti a na celém světě.

Ve volném čase pak účastníci navštívili i město Brno a jeho památky. Nechyběl ani interkulturní večer, kde si účastníci pochutnali na dobrotách z dané země a poznali navzájem svoji kulturu a její odlišnosti.

Účastníci byli hostováni Střediskem volného času Ivančice. Školící kurz byl podpořen a financován evropským programem Erasmus+.

Markéta Chmelíčková, projektový koordinátor


The first part of the international training course We are one: Harmony in diversity took place at the beginning of December 2022 in Ivančice. Youth workers, teachers and students were sent by partner organizations and they devoted to peace education and the understanding of diversity among people and its importance for the maintaining of harmony and safety in the society and the whole world.

In their free time, the participants also visited Brno and its monuments. There was also an intercultural evening, where the participants enjoyed delicacies from the countries and got to know each other's culture and its differences.

The participants were hosted by the Centre of leisure time activities in Ivančice. The training course was financed by the European Union.

Markéta Chmelíčková, project coordinator


A Beautiful Garden

“Unity In Diversity” is the common sentence spoken and applied in the Nepalese society as we are a mixture of 125 ethnicities and 123 languages, living together in harmony with each other. This upbringing from childhood actually made it much easier to blend in the society in Europe as an international student.

I attended the Erasmus+ training course on ‘We are One: Harmony in Diversity’ in the Horizont Leisure Center of Ivancice, Czech Republic from 1- 9 December, 2022. It was a project where the young people from 15 nationalities hailed from across the world joined from different European countries to learn the harmony in diversity. Peace education was the essence of the project where we not only learned the different aspects of peace but also created our own projects that we will be implementing in our home-locations.

The project had another vital aspect towards it, i.e. youth networking. We were learning  together in the same informal classrooms like the seminar room where we came together to learn theoretical bases; the kitchen where we had our breakfast, lunches and dinners; the coffee room where we discussed about several global issues; the common area with pool table where we talked, sang and danced; the leisure center garden where we played the games with the subtle themes to co-operate as a team; the art room where we learnt to express ourselves and value our emotions; and last but not the least, the recording room where we recorded our harmony song in different languages.

The project gifted me with a lot of learning and also created another added impact, i.e. a thought of creation of such spaces in my home country. I come from Nepal and we rarely have such programs or youth spaces where we can bring the youth together and make them have conversations about the issues that they care about. We lack such safe spaces where youth can actually communicate, be free, and still learn some basic but very vital necessity of our generation, i.e. to value ourselves and our emotions. Youth are so lost in school, career and jobs that we lose the time to feel for ourselves and to take care of ourselves.

I was also fascinated by the Leisure centre where the project was held and its overall setting. It had everything that any human being needed to feel like a child and return to that pure innocence in our thoughts and actions, ranging from an art room to a recording room. There can’t be another perfect space to learn about peace and diversity. If I could create such safe spaces in my home country, for youth to come and communicate while learning, it would be somehow similar to the Leisure Center in Ivancice.

While learning the informal education, we did not realize when the week ended and our friends who we met just a week ago had already been best friends. The last day was not an easy one. Laughters, tears, hugs, and letters, everybody became so emotional but the usual day-to-day lives had to go on and everybody had to either return to their studies or work. With heavy hearts everybody parted the ways with a promise to see each other during another part of the project in April.

I am really glad to be a part of such a nice project, to be learning with the kind, intelligent and thoughtful facilitators; to meet our sweet group of youth with several talents of art; and to be in Ivancice where I would have probably not even known, if the project did not occur here. I would like to thank Horizont to let me be a part of this opportunity, my facilitators for guiding me, my colleagues to be so kind to me, the cook and the kitchen staffs for your kind hospitality, the people of Ivancice and Czechia for hosting me, and the EU for funding the project. The project will have a long lasting impact in our lives and our generation will create that sustainable and peaceful world that we all are longing towards. Děkuji !! 

Poonam Ghimire, German participant


What is peace? What is tolerance?

In the beginning of December 2022, the first part of the long-term project We are One: Harmony in Diversity took place in Ivancice, Czech Republic. Writing this review article a week later, I still fondly remember our actions, conversations, discussions. People of 15 different nationalities from all over the world came from such countries as Czech Republic, Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia.

We came to talk about very simple, at first glance, topics. However, as it turns out, the simplest topics are the most difficult to understand and deliver the message. Because what is common and desired by everyone has many steps to the goal, but only one path.

Every day we started with a seminar where we studied general concepts such as: "What is peace?", "What is tolerance?" and "How to achieve harmony when everything is so diverse?". My personal answer to the last question is as follows: Harmony is impossible without diversity, it is through our differences that we are able to recreate the best of all possible worlds, and only by working together to achieve peace can we reach the main goal.

Having received theoretical knowledge in the morning, we moved on to practice. By deeds we proved the importance of harmony, peace, understanding and respect for each other. 

We showed our personality, our uniqueness through drawings, presentations, plasticine modeling, dances, songs, music. Each of us contributed our comments and suggestions, and it was through each of us that we managed to create a harmonious atmosphere where everyone found for themselves what they needed at that moment. For example, through dancing we learned how to love ourselves, how to understand that we control not only our bodies, our thoughts, but also our lives. That only we can decide what the next step should be, not the society that condemns and negatively criticizes our actions.

I have found trust in others. The exercise of trust, when a person has to close his eyes and fall, believing that he will be caught, is very difficult in my opinion. Being used to doing everything on my own, it is difficult for me to trust and rely on others. However, during the project, the organizers managed to develop an environment of trust, acceptance and love.

Due to the fact that so many nationalities gathered in one place we got a very diverse, fun, bright and unforgettable intercultural evening. Dances, songs, music, food, stories, videos and presentations - everyone had the opportunity to present what they love about their country.

Our trip to Brno showed us the Czech Republic of this region. We saw the historic downtown, visited the cathedral and the castle, and ate traditional Czech food at the Christmas market. We were even invited to a local jazz concert by a student band, which was a great end to a wonderful frosty day.

In general, I can say with confidence - this course was very useful for the participants. Now our task is to reproduce the knowledge gained in our society, to show our relatives, friends, acquaintances, people from our community what we were helped to see during the project, to show them how to appreciate their differences and uniqueness, and how to find themselves in the environment. And, of course, we are looking forward to the second part of the course to share our successes and experiences after our lessons.

Mariia Bondarenko, German participant



... the program was full, there were videos, activities, music adn each part of it had a clear purpose ...

... it was great, thank you for your patience and for hosting such a programme ...

... I was glad that I could see so many different people and cultures ...

... I feel here like at home ...

... diversity is important not only to survive but live in peace ...

... it was truly beautiful experience, touching souls of different people ...

... it made me believe in myself ...

... cool people, delicious food, comfortable accomodation, useful info, fun, ...

... I have learned many new things about peace education ...

... harmony is possible only with peace inside ...





Akce, tábory, soutěže, turnaje a další



Akce, tábory, soutěže, turnaje a další
